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California Housing Information for Ukrainian Arrivals (February 2023)

Andy Panameno, BA Political Science

@ International Foundation for World Freedom

Access to a home is a fundamental right for Ukrainian refugees. This article will present several housing options in California. The information provided is the most up-to-date with current California government and local city policies.

It is essential to have a valid sponsorship provided by the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) to find an eligible host. The instructions to file an application are here: Instructions for Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. The formal application is here: Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. To bring family or other relatives, this is the petition form: I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition.

Below is a list of current websites that will assist in directly finding shelter. The resources will be split into direct and immediate help, and the other half will be a list of organizations and websites that may be contacted for further assistance. Each link provided will have access to the page resource.

Important Resource to Start:

To begin, UkraineNow is an excellent website for refugees to access. The website is available in the Ukrainian language. The tab on the top that says ‘I need help’ which provides essential answers to questions. The tab that says ‘I am looking for housing abroad’ and there is a document to fill out to get connected with their help. It is a great resource to better understand the risks, expectations, and more. There is a chance for an agent to help you navigate this article of potential houses provided in this article.

Direct and Immediate Help:

  • Ukraine Take Shelter provides instant access to finding a host that can voluntarily offer a place of residence for a set duration, such as one week. There are search filters to find the desired requirements needed for settlement.

  • I Can Help. Host is another website to find a place to stay. There is a search bar to enter the location to find a temporary host. Typing California may present some voluntary hosts.

  • Airbnb is funding short-term housing by allowing local residents to be hosts. This website functions similarly to the other ones listed above. Once eligibility is met, the application process will be available. For eligibility information, read here: Eligibility for emergency stays through

  • Ukraina Space offers a search bar to find a location to temporarily live. There is a search bar to find housing in California with provided information on the home and duration of stay.

Organizations and Other Resources:

  • The city of West Hollywood in California has provided a web page that offers direct access to resources regarding housing and other essential information.

  • The Ukrainian Culture Center of Los Angeles provides a list of other direct webpages to access housing. Some have been listed above. You can call their number at (323) 665-3703 for more information.

  • This list of organizations can help provide information in finding a home, resources to cover apartment fees, and other valuable resources. The link to the list is here: Resettlement Agency Listings for California. Visit their websites for more information, or call their number for assistance.

  • 211LA provides a web page of a resettlement program service by Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Office located in the city of Glendale in California. An appointment call is needed to get more information.

  • Welcome US is a website that is offering to sponsor Ukrainian refugees. A chance to win a sponsorship will be available on the 15th of every month at 17:00 EET (Eastern European Standard Time) / 18:00 EET Daylight Savings time, registration will be open for a limited period with a cap based on the number of available sponsors. Once you click the link, there is a red button that is labeled ‘Find a sponsor.’ Register for an opportunity to find a home.

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